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2-17-10 Education Subcmte
Legislative Council Education Committee
Minutes from Meeting on February 17, 2010
Held in the Newtown Municipal Center
3 Primrose Lane, Newtown, CT, Shared Meeting Room Three

The Legislative Council Education committee held a regular meeting on February 17, 2010 at the Newtown Municipal Center.  Chairman Mary Ann Jacob called the meeting to order at 6:29 p.m.

PRESENT:  Mary Ann Jacob, Chris LaRocque, Kevin Fitzgerald, George Ferguson

ALSO PRESENT:  2 members of the public, 1 member of the press

PUBLIC PARTICIPATION:   Bob Morolla; Has had concerns the last three to four years that there has been a lack of transparency and misleading information from the Board of Education.  He stated that there have been gaps in data for student projections.  Bob passed out self-run data copies relating to student  enrollment, housing starts and pipeline information.  He feels data that has been presented is inconsistent and the BOE uses techniques to get their way.  Mr. Fitzgerald asked Mr. Morolla about the quality of education in Newtown.  Mr. Morolla stated that he did not have much data on the quality but did reference the recent NEASC warning.

MINUTES: Mr. Ferguson moved to accept the minutes of January 27, 2010.  Mr. LaRocque seconded.  All in favor.

Discussion and Possible Action:

  • Board of Education CIP: Mr.s Jacob gave a synopsis of the most recent CIP and stated that the $350,000 line item for the Hawley HVAC system needs to be reconfirmed.  She stated that committee members should analyze data and find questions that they may have.  
  • Reports from Committee members on BOE budget meetings: Mr. Fitzgerald did not add any additional comments to his meeting notes from the first BOE meeting. Mr. Ferguson gave a synopsis of the second BOE meeting that he attended. Mr. Ferguson discussed the greenhouse replacement at the high school, along with the DCFS that is a budget driver this year.  Mrs. Jacob presented a synopsis of the final meeting of the BOE and explained that there was much discussion on whether individual line items or dollar amounts should be taken from the budget.  
Discussion and Possible Action:
  • Committee assignments for Board of Finance budget deliberations: Mrs. Jacob asked that committee members divide BOF budget deliberation duties for the upcoming deliberations and submit notes from the meeting.  Mrs. Jacob will be attending the 2/25/2010 meeting, Mr. LaRocque will attend the 3/1/2010 meeting, Mr. Fitzgerald will attend the 3/4/2010 meeting, and Mr. Ferguson will attend the 3/8/2010.
  • Education Committee meeting dates calendar: Ms. Jacob requested that we meet on 3/17/2010 at 6:30 p.m. and on 3/29/2010 tentatively to be at 6:30 p.m..  At the 3/29/2010 meeting we should make final budget recommendations
PUBLIC PARTICIPATION: Rich Woycik would like a few questions to be answered around the increase in wages of non-union employees as well as raises to teachers in the teacher’s union.  Mrs. Jacob began to answer the questions, however had to push further discussion to the next meeting because of a pressing Legislative Council meeting.


ADJOURNMENT:  Having no further business, Mr. LaRocque moved to adjourn.  Seconded by Mr. Ferguson.  All in favor.  Meeting adjourned at 7:30 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Chris LaRocque